Your trusted local pet store Pet Food City is not just a regular pet store you can encounter on a daily basis - VISIT US TODAY! a Wide range of pet food We sell dog, cat, bird, and fish food, to critters, accessories, grooming, meds, shampoos and powders, and vaccines o Your pet's happy place We invite everyone to visit our store and see-feel the difference in shopping from the best.

Visit our store in
to buy
our products


Bird and fish food
as well as meds,
, etc.

Quality and contemporary products,
combined with friendly customer service


Pet supplies store based in Pretoria

We are inviting everyone to visit our store and see-feel the difference in shopping from the best.

With stylish and

We also prodive
grooming for your
loved ones

Some of the dog food brands we sell

These are just some of our leading dog food brands. We have 30+ different dog food brands on our shelves.

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